
Viessmann Boiler Failure

Makalede Neler Var


Detailed information about Viessmann boiler failure codes has been shared with you in the subject. When you buy a Viessmann combi boiler, you will be given a user manual. The most accurate explanation of the fault code indicated on the digital display on the combi front panel is written in the combi user’s manual.

You can also contact Viessmann boiler customer service.

In case of boiler failure, the best choice would be to contact the authorized VIESSMANN service.

Error code A0: The pressure system of the gas connection is faulty. There is a gas fault. The device will not run in this code or offer Healthy efficiency.

Boiler codes Vitopend 100, error codes Vitopend 100

Meaning of Vitopend 100 Error codes

Error code F2: boiler digital display gives an error. Therefore, the thermostat may be above the required values. Intervention by Viessmann Service is required.

Error code F2 / F3: The electronic parts of the device malfunctioned due to factors such as overheating or dust while the boiler was operating.

 Error code F4: your boiler cannot start the ignition process. It turns off because it does not detect the flame and the device no longer works. Valves, gas electrodes (ignition or E-Card) may be faulty.

 Error code F30: The boiler is working, but the active NTC sensor is also damaged. In this case, the boiler cannot transfer hot water.

Error code F38: Since there is no contact, the electronic circuit board cannot see the sensor and the wires do not automatically heat up. Combi Boiler Contact the service for the repair of this fault.

Error code F51: Effective NTC Sensor failed or occurred for a short time even when no hot water is available.

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viessmann boiler faults

Vitopend 111 Viessmann boiler failure

on the digital display These indicators flash on the combi display and indicate low gas connection pressure. In this case, you do not need to intervene as a consumer.

10/18 Error code: This is the error code indicating a short circuit or contact failure in the Temperature sensor. The sensor that should measure the outside temperature and display it on the map may need to be replaced due to a problem.

Error code 30/ 38: If the thermal sensor of the device is short-circuited or there is no contact, the boiler displays these warning codes. If your Viessmann combi boiler needs to be checked, the sensor should be changed.

Error code 50/58:This is an error code

Indicates that hot water is not prepared due to a short circuit or missing contact in the sensor. The part causing the malfunction may need to be replaced.

The error code may be 51/59: from the hot water sensor In case of this malfunction or short circuit, these warning codes appear on the Vitopend 111 screen. In this case, the boiler does not provide hot water. The sensor has been replaced.

 OC error code: It is the code that indicates that the voltage is low as well as the voltage entering the boiler. Restart the boiler and wait a second. The service must also perform a non-advanced evaluation.

Error code F3: If the printer is active, the ignition system of the boiler gives a flame warning. Restart the device several times. If this is not the case, this error code will be displayed on the phone screen. In this case, there is a problem with the ignition, gas or ionization electrodes.

Error code F5: The prostate does not open while the burner is running. When the ignition reaches the charging speed, the prostate does not turn off. F5 error warning should also be checked by the technical service of the device.

Error code F6: The chimney draft control has been activated 10 times a day, that is, 24 hours a day. The chimney should not be removed while this problem continues.

Error code F8: This is the code indicating that the gas valve is closed later than usual. The consumer cannot intervene.

FC Error code: The valve on the module means that the control panel is faulty or even there is a problem with the electronic main board.

Vitodens 100 Viessmann boiler failure

error code 0’b: If this error code is displayed on the screen of the Vitodens 100 combi, it can be said that the heating current is low. If the heat exchanger blew air or the water flow sensor has failed, the boiler may cause this malfunction. Error code

OC: It is the error code indicating that the mains voltage is low, that is, the voltage of the flat is low. In this case, we recommend using a regulator.

Error code 10/18: In case of contactless or short circuit of the outside temperature sensor, these error codes are displayed on the boiler screen.

Error code 30/38: In case of short circuit or heating in the boiler without touching the sensor, the Vitodens combination device gives error code 100. In this case, you as a consumer cannot do anything like the hand-sensor needs to be replaced.

Error code 50/58: Vitodens 100 is the error code indicating that there is no short circuit or contact in the water sensor for the operation of the boiler. In this case, hot water cannot be drawn from the boiler.

Error Code 51/59: It is the error code saying that the boiler has short circuited in the temperature of the Ntc output or there is no contact. Error code

 A9: It is the error code indicating that there is no connection to the room thermostat, that is, no communication. In this case, there is no business as a consumer.

Vitodens Codes 100 Fault, Vitodens Codes 100 Combi

Vitodens 100 Error Codes Viessmann boiler failure

 Error Code E4: The E4 error displayed on the device screen indicates a problem in the supply voltage. In this case, we can say that there is a problem with the network card.

Error code E6: The error message E06 displayed on the Vitodens 100 means that the water pressure in the boiler is too low.

Error code B5 / E5 / F0: Vitodens 100 is the error code indicating an internal fault in the boiler. In this case, the device must be restarted. If the device does not recover after restarting, you should call service for information about the problem part and offer a solution.

 Error code F2: If this error code is displayed on the Vitodens 100 Combi screen, the combi has passed the overheating phase and is therefore automatically blocked. In this case, wait a while for the device to start up. When the device returns to normal and the same warning persists, call the technical service.

Error Code F3: It is the error code indicating that the printer is working and there is a flame signal. In this case, you as a consumer have to reboot the device several times.

 Error code F4 – This is the error code that indicates that the boiler was successfully ignited, but the flame went out again because it was not detected. In this case, you need to restart the device several times. If the device does not recover, there is a problem with the ion. It can be said to be electrodes, gas valve or electronic circuit board.

 Error Code F5 – This is the error code indicating an air handling problem. In this case, there will be deterioration in the air flow of the boiler.

 Error code F7: This is the error code that indicates a problem with the water pressure sensor. The water pressure sensor may need to be replaced.

Error code F8: Vitodens 100 is the error code indicating that the gas valve on the boiler was closed too late. You should get help by contacting Viessmann service by phone.


Error code F9: In these cases, if the fan speed drops when the boiler is started or the burner does not perform as expected, the boiler displays this error code. If so, you will need technical assistance from Viessmann service to fix the problem.

 FA Error Code – This is the error code indicating that the fan motor is running continuously, that is, it will not stop when it needs to be turned off. In this case, it can be said that the fan bearings are crumbling. Or there was a technical problem with the engine.

FD – This is the error code, which means that there is a problem with the electronic motherboard in the boiler.

Vitodens 200 Viessmann boiler failure

 Error code: If this warning appears on the screen of the Viessmann Vitodens 200 combi, it means that the combi needs to be serviced.

  10/18 Error code: This warning code is displayed on the boiler’s screen if the external sensor controlling the outside temperature is short-term or has no contact.

Error code 20/28: This is the error code indicating that the control process will continue without operating the temperature sensor. In this case, the temperature sensor will be contactless, it will also be short term.

Error code 30/38: Warning code indicating that the Vitodens 200 boiler temperature sensor has no contact or is short-term. In this case, the sensor must be replaced.

Vitodens 200 join code, Vitodens 200 error code 987

Explanation of Vitodens 200 Error codes

 40 Error code: It is the error code indicating that there is a short period in the heating period temperature sensor of the boiler. In this case, the sensor B

48 may need to be replaced Error code: Viessmann Vitodens 200 combi can set 48 error codes. It means that the lowering sensor in the thermal circuit is not related to the mixer or is broken.

Error code 50/51/58: If the Vitoden 200 temperature, power or comfort sensor is short-term or has no contact, these warning codes are shown on the boiler’s screen.

59 Error code: Error code indicating that the temperature output sensor has no contact. In this case, the problem can be solved by replacing the sensor. Error code

 93 / 9B: Vitodens 200 is the error code displayed on the screen in case of short-term or no relationship in combi sensors.

Error code A7: Error code indicating a problem with the Vitodens 200 combi. In this case, it is a control error.

 Error code B1: Warning code indicating that the Viessmann combi burner has a blocking problem on the operating system.

 987 Error code B7: Vitodens 200 boiler combination Error code B7 is not owned when the boiler coding card is displayed The device may display this warning code even in case of damage or incorrect installation.

 Ba Error code: Vitodens 200 combi displays this warning code if the communication in the mixer temperature period relationship set is interrupted.

BC / Bd Error code: Warning code indicating that the Vitodens 200 coupling device could not be connected to the room thermostat. So we can say that there is a problem between the thermostat and the station wagon.

ol Error code: Room thermostat may be connected incorrectly. If a coding error occurs, a warning code is displayed on the Vitodens 200 combi. In such a case, there is a problem between the room thermostat and the boiler.

 Bf / CF error code: Error code indicating that the communication module is connected incorrectly.

 Error code C2: Warning code indicating that the Vitedens 200 combi boiler could not communicate with the solar collector.

Error code C6 / c7: It is the error code indicating that there is a problem or communication error with the pump in the boiler and that the boiler is operating cyclically.

 Cd Error code: Error code indicating that information is not exchanged with the Vitocom 100, that is, there is a communication problem.

 CE Error code: Vitodens 200 is an error code that means that the communication of the boiler is interrupted in the external communication mode, because the module information cannot be called.

 Da / db false code: False code indicating a short period in the room temperature sensor. In this case, it can be summarized that the control activity is free from ambient temperature. S

 Dd / DE Error code: Vitodens 200, boiler room temperature free control period. It is a mistake code indicating that it is not related to the temperature sensor.

 Error code E4: Vitodens 200 error code indicates a voltage problem in the power supply unit. In this case, voltage problems may occur.

Error Code B4 / B5 / E5 / F0 / FF: If the phone has an internal bug problem, one of these error codes will be displayed on the phone screen.

 Error code F2: It is the error code indicating that the maximum temperature limiter of the boiler has been worn. In this case, as a consumer, you will have to wait a little while to solve the problem.

 Error code F3: If the printer enters the period and also gives a fire signal, this warning code is shown on the boiler screen. In this case, wait a little bit, the device may be fixed. .

Error code F4: Error code indicating that the Vitodens 200 coupling device did not detect fire after ignition. In this case, turn the boiler off and on repeat to reset the boiler. In cases where the problem is not resolved, we can say that there may be problems with the ionization, gas valve or electrodes.

 Error code F5: If the printer is turned on and working, air procedure

Vitodens 222 Viessmann boiler failure

 Error code: If the Vitodens 222 combi boiler displays this warning code, it means that the combi boiler needs regular maintenance.

 Error Code 10/18: This Warning Code Is Displayed When There Is A Non Contact Problem or Short Circuit With The Air Sensor, which is even responsible for controlling the heat content of the Outdoor Air and Warning the Boiler.

 20/28 Error Code: In the Case of Contactless or Short Circuit in the Heat Sensor Separated from the System, These Error Codes Will Be Displayed on the Boiler Screen. It can be summarized that the control process takes place without the temperature sensor.

 Error code A7: Vitodens 222 This is the error code indicating that there is a problem in the control unit of the boiler.

 Error Code A8: This Warning Code Is Displayed On The Boiler’s Screen If There Is A Problem With The Pump That Provides The Boiler’s Speed ??Or If It Can’t Reach The Lowest Flow Rates.

Boiler codes Vitodens 222, Error codes Vitodens 222

 What are the Vitodens 222 fault codes?

 Error code A9: While the heating period of the mixing valve is running, the burner operates at the lowest temperature force. When the Only temperature period without Mixing valve is activated, then the Printer is Locked in the Locked Position. The pump may be locked and unable to do its job.

Error code B0: This warning code is displayed on the boiler screen. If the sensor has a short period to weigh the heat in the flue gas.

Error code B1/ B5: Subject to the distribution function, if there is a communication fault or an internal fault of the operating unit, one of these warning codes will appear on the boiler display.

 Error code B4: this is the error code indicating that an internal error of zero degrees of the boiler has occurred, subject to the temperature of the outside air.

 Error code B7: Vitodens 222 If this warning code appears in the boiler, we can understand that there is a problem with the boiler coding.

 Error code B8: This is the error code displayed on the boiler screen when there is no relationship with the smoke temperature sensor.

 Error code Ba: If the combi Vitodens 222 boiler gives this warning code in addition to the m² of the heat period with a mixing valve, it is a communication issue in the October relation set.

 BC error code: This warning code is displayed on the screen. If there is a communication problem with the remote room thermostat in 2 in the boiler heating period 1. To resolve this situation, you should call Viessmann boiler service.

 Error code E9 / EA / EC: The boiler will not work if the ion current is not infrequent during calibration. In this case, you as a consumer cannot do anything.

Ed / F0 Error Code – This is the error code indicating that an internal error has occurred due to a printer failure.

 EE: If this warning code appears on the boiler’s screen, it means that the boiler is turned on but the ignition signal is weak, in this case the boiler is insufficient.

 EF – This is an error code that can be corrected after a fire has occurred.

Error code F1: It is the obvious code on the boiler screen when the burning gases exceed the safety thermostat.



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