
Baxi Boiler Reset

Makalede Neler Var


Baxi Boiler Reset When the Baxi boiler fails, the first application that comes to mind is reset. Most users don’t know the reset process or make the reset process incomplete. That’s why we decided to tell you how to reset the Baxi Boiler under the heading Reset.

The following article will tell you how to reset your boiler that has stopped working and that you should fix it as soon as possible.

How to Reset a Baxi Combined Boiler Combi boiler usually does two separate jobs, one for heating the house and the other for using hot water in your home’s kitchen or bathroom:

The boiler will work to make hot water in a few minutes! But what can you do if they stop working?

press the reset button located on the front panel of the boiler. The boiler will turn off and then on again. If there is a problem with the digital display, call the baxi authorized service phone and ask for support.

Baxi Boiler Reset

 How to Reset Baxi Boiler

If the Baxi boiler needs to be reset; Is there an error code on the Baxi combination screen? You can reset your device. Your Baxi combination does not have an error code on the screen, but if you are having problems, you should call the reset service teams.

The process of resetting the Baxi boiler is a fairly simple one. Therefore, the user of Demirdöküm boiler can easily perform a reset. Let’s start to tell you about the reset process.

Baxi finds the reset switch on the boiler panel. Press and hold the reset key on the combination panel for 3 seconds. After holding it for 3 seconds, your boiler will turn off and on.

This will reset the boiler. Repeat the boiler reset process 3 times. If there is an error code on the index screen, it should be cleared. If it is not deleted, you should seek assistance from Baxi service teams without further intervention in your boiler.


Baxi boiler reset is that simple. You do not need to get service support to apply the reset process. You can do the reset process very conveniently as a user. However, if there is a fault in the boiler and there is no solution despite the reset, then you should get help from the service teams.

 Why You Should Reset Your Boiler At Least Once A Year For Safety And Comfort?

Have the gas boiler service at least once a year . This is because over the course of a year the boiler accumulates carbon and other residues from the combustion of natural gas as fuel. It can cause a build-up of dirt and dust that causes the boiler to operate less efficiently.

In addition, there may be an increase in these savings bills. You can reduce your energy use by resetting the system annually.

Since the boiler reset process is a necessary process when necessary, it is essential to know how to do it. If necessary, resetting your combi boiler 3 times may cause it to fail. Some models have a direct reset button, while older models do not have a reset button.

If the Direct Reset button is not working, there are other options to reset your boiler. (eg check your owner’s manual to find out what these options are for your particular model)

In addition, you should call baxi service and find out why the boiler, which cannot be reset, does not reset.

 Why is Resetting Your Boiler Important?

It is important to reset your boiler every year to keep it in top condition and avoid unnecessary repairs.

Resetting your boiler can be done by a professional boiler service company, or you can do it yourself with the help of a professional. Resetting your boiler has many benefits and we will discuss them in detail in this article.

Why is Resetting Your Boiler Important?

Boiler maintenance is important for two reasons – safety and efficiency.

How to Reset Your Boiler in Minutes

The following instruction list is a brief summary of the steps required for a boiler reset.

  1. Turn off the gas supply and electricity to the boiler
  2. Drain the water from the system before opening the gas pressure valve
  3. Open the gas pressure valve, wait for the gas to stop blowing out, then close the gas valve.
  4. Wait for the system to fully depressurize before opening the boiler front panel.
  5. Turn on the electricity and gas supply


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